
E°ProBAS Platform for Highly Dynamic Technical Controls Without Limits

With E°ProBAS, Eckelmann offers its own high-performance control architecture that is continuously being developed.

E°ProBAS handles both data communication tasks and data management. This software toolkit is platform-independent and runs on various hardware platforms.

The core system consists of powerful processor units connected via broadband communication channels. This allows for decentralized computing power and ensures fast data exchange.

The accompanying software offers convincing advantages:

  • Seamless system from hardware, operating system, system layer, and application software
  • Multi-platform system
  • Fast control loops under hard real-time conditions
  • Easy upgrades without changes to the application software
  • Various interface options
  • Importantly, the application software is identical across all platforms. This enables very efficient and low-risk retrofits.

Do you have any questions?

Igor Oskroban

Igor Oskroban
Managing Director Eckelmann Automation Technology Co., Ltd., China

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